

Session 3 의료인공지능

사용자 레퍼토리 기반 분산 병렬 협업 필터링을 위한 데이터 분배 방법 연구


Research of Data Partitioning Based User Repertoires for Distributed Parallel Collaborative Filtering

Choelhan Moon, Seongjun Choe, Han Ki Son, Jun-Ki Min

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Collaborative filtering is a representative technique of a recommendation system. Collaborative filtering is a method of determining a recommendation target based on similarity between users or items. Distributed parallel collaborative filtering was proposed to speed up the computational speed of collaborative filtering. However, the data skewness problem caused by imbalanced data distribution still remains. Therefore, in this study, we proposed a data distribution and processing method based on the user taste repertoire analysis method to solve the data skewness problem caused by data distribution imbalance. So, the repertorie analysis is to analyze the range and number of areas of the services previously used by the users. In the proposed method, data is distributed based on the results of the repertorie analysis of the services previously used by the users. Our experiment distributing data of users based on the results of the repertoire analysis. It was shown that the performance was sufficiently usable as measuring RMSE and execution time.


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Methods
4. Experiments
5. Conclusions


  • Choelhan Moon Computer Science and Engineering, KOREATECH Cheonan, South Korea
  • Seongjun Choe Computer Science and Engineering, KOREATECH Cheonan, South Korea
  • Han Ki Son Computer Science and Engineering, KOREATECH Cheonan, South Korea
  • Jun-Ki Min Computer Science and Engineering, KOREATECH Cheonan, South Korea

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