

Functional Analysis of Lexical Bundles and Rhetorical Moves of L1 and L2 Research Article Abstracts in Applied Linguistics


Xiaolei Liang, Se-Eun Jhang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to explore bundle-move connections in research article (RA) abstracts written by L1 and L2 writers in applied linguistics. Two move-tagged corpora were used in this study. The results indicated that research-oriented and stance-oriented bundles had a connection to Move 1, research-oriented bundles to Move 2 and Move 3, and text-oriented bundles to Move 4 and Move 5. A comparison of functional distribution of lexical bundles in the two corpora found that, for bundle tokens, L2 writers underused research-oriented bundles in Move 1, text-oriented bundles in Move 3, stance-oriented bundles in Move 5. Furthermore, they overused stance-oriented bundles in Move 2 and Move 4, stance-oriented bundles in Move 4, and research-oriented bundles in Move 5. L2 writers used heavily certain bundles in their RA abstract moves, which may indicate a lack of variety in RA moves. The findings from this study may provide a useful reference for academic writing instruction in English for academic purposes.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Lexical Bundles
2.2. Research Article Abstracts and Move Analysis
3. Research Methods
3.1. The Crpora
3.2. Corpus-building and Data Processing Procedure
3.3. Identification of Lexical Bundles
3.4. Functional Classifications of Lexical Bundles
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Frequent Bundles in Each Move and Move-bundle Connections
4.2. Comparison of Lexical Bundles Functional Categories in Each Move
5. Conclusion


  • Xiaolei Liang Korea Maritime & Ocean University/Ph.D. student
  • Se-Eun Jhang Korea Maritime & Ocean University/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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