

한·중 신어에 대한 사회·문화적 고찰 - 2010년~2020년 인터넷 영역의 신어를 중심으로 -


A Socio-Cultural Study on the Neologisms of Korean and Chinese - Focus on the Internet Field's Neologisms in 2010~2020 -.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to examine the distribution trend of Internet-related neologisms in Korean and Chinese over the past decade. As well as to analyze the social and cultural aspects of Korea and China, which are reflected in Internet-related neologisms. For 10 years, Chinese Internet-related neologisms have not only maintained a higher rate than Korean, but have also shown a relatively clear rise. Korean Internet-related neologisms have maintained about 10% of the total neologisms annually. In addition, the proportion of Korean Internet-related neologisms was on the decline overall until 2016, and rose in 2018 and 2020. As can be seen from the Internet-related neologisms, there have not been many emergence of Internet-based platforms, Internet-related problems and Internet-related security policies in both Korea and China. The Internet is bringing the most new aspects to the life of Korea and China. Except for life, the Internet has led to the formation of a large group of netizens in Korea, mainly those who share certain contents on social networking services(SNS) and those who shop on the Internet. In China, the Internet has a great impact on language, culture and economy, and it has promoted the creation and spread of language expression online and brought various economic forms. In Korea, the impact of the Internet on language, culture, and economic is relatively clear. Examples include webtoon culture and coin economy.


1. 연구 목적 및 필요성
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 한·중 신어 조사의 역사와 현황
2.2. 연구 대상
2.3. 연구 방법
3. 한·중 인터넷 관련 신어의 분포 추이
4. 한·중 인터넷 관련 신어의 사회·문화적 고찰
4.1. 한국어 인터넷 관련 신어의 사회·문화적 양상
4.2. 중국어 인터넷 관련 신어의 사회·문화적 양상
4.3. 한·중 인터넷 관련 신어의 사회·문화적 양상 비교
5. 결론


  • 푸량 Fu Liang. 경북대학교/박사수료생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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