


솔레노이드 온도제어밸브 적용을 통한 온수기의 성능 개선 및 에너지절감


Energy Saving and Improvement of Performance of Calorifier by Applying Solenoid Temperature Control Valve

김홍렬, 김부기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Calorifier is a device that supplies hot water to the crew for showering and cooking. In particular, problems such as hot water not coming out when a trainee and a crew member take a shower at the same time may occur due to a malfunction of the temperature control valve that controls the temperature. In particular, when the hot water usage time is almost constant, such as a training ship, a high calorific value is required. When there is no dissatisfaction with the use of hot water, satisfaction with the educational environment is improved. Therefore, in this study, a solenoid temperature control valve is applied to increase satisfaction with hot water use, and a mechanical time switch is applied to the hot water circulating water pump to save energy.


1. 서론
2. 온수기 설치현황
2.1 육상 온수기
2.2 선박용 온수기
3. 연구방법 및 개선사항
3.1 온도제어밸브(Pilot Temp. Control Valve)
3.2 전자식 온도조절 밸브(Solanoid Temp C/V)
3.3 온도조절기(Temp. controller)
3.4 기계식 타임스위치
4. 결과 및 고찰
5. 결론


  • 김홍렬 Hong-Ryeol Kim. Division of Cader Training, Mokpo National Maritime University
  • 김부기 Bu-Gi Kim. Division of Marine Mechatronics, Mokpo National Maritime University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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