

인공지능 번역플랫폼 기반 번역가의 직명 및 직무기술의 분화에 관한 연구


A Study on the Differentiation of AI Translation Platform-based Translator’s Job Titles and Job Description.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper discusses the differentiation of job titles and job description of translators at AI translation platform-based translation ecosystem. The definition of job title and its description is summarized with their comprehensive official data including previous academic research, the status of the translator's job title in Korean language service industry, the information on the job types of ‘translation’ on the recruitment portal site, ISO description, and the likes. It is expected that the result of research will dedicate to establishing the basic academic infrastructure of translator’s job title and its description and leading to use as reliable basic data for future registration of translation job areas and titles in Korea's Vocational Dictionary and Development of Standardized Curriculum and Learning Modules based on NCS (National Competency Standards). In addition, it will subsequently contribute to protecting the rights and interests of translators and establishing a solidification of the status of the entire group related translator profession, which is an important official path for career development and prepares a basis for cultivating customized talents.


1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
1.2. 연구의 목적 및 수행방법
2. AI 번역플랫폼 기반 번역프로젝트 수행 직군 및 직무기술
2.1. 선행연구
2.2. AI 번역플랫폼 기반 번역 관련 직명 및 직무기술
2.2.1. 인간번역, 기계번역, CAT 툴 기반 번역특성 비교
2.2.2. 번역가 관련 직군 및 직무기술 현황
2.2.3. 프로젝트 수행단계 및 직군별 직무기술
3. AI 번역플랫폼 기반 번역가 직명 및 직무기술의 분화
3.1. 번역 프로젝트 수행방식
3.2. 직군별 번역 직무기술
4. 결론 및 제안사항


  • 전현주 Chun, Hyunju.. 신한대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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