

A Study on the Effect of Stock Price Prediction on Marketing Performance


Doh, Saeran

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined how marketing performance affects company stock values based on the stock price prediction method. A causal relationship exists between marketing performance and stock value. Many factors (both external and internal) affect stock value, therefore, improving the accuracy of stock price forecasts is vital. In the digital economy, customers are connected via social media, thus word of mouth advocating a company has an important positive impact on marketing performance which, in turn, enhances stock value, making it essential to predict stock prices accurately. In this study, the improvement in the stock price prediction rate is explained using deep learning methods. The accuracy of stock price prediction is crucial to determine the value of a stock as it reflects the company's value. Therefore, we considered representative methods of deep learning to predict marketing performance in the context of developing stock price forecasting accuracy. In addition, this study improves stock price forecasting using a review of the mean squared error as an index of prediction accuracy using deep learning methods.


I. Introduction
II. Marketing Performance
III. Stock Price Prediction
1. Deep Learning
2. Methods of Deep Learning
IV. Conclusion and Future Studies


  • Doh, Saeran Associate Professor, School of Food, Agricultural and Environment Sciences, Miyagi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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