

Integrating Values in Education : Managing Learning Crisis for Sustainable and Holistic Achievement


Romkanta Pokhrel

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to explore the need and importance of values integration in educational activities to mitigate learning crisis and promote sustainable learning achievement. The traditional approach, commercial motive, focus on instrumental knowledge coupled with many other contemporary issues have collectively smothered the fundamental humanistic principles of education. To avert the situation and execute the core objectives, we need to shift our focus: a shift from instrumental knowledge to humanistic-transformational knowledge; a shift from the traditional approach of supplying and storing information to learning to deal with the real-world problems; a shift from head to heart. Values integration is an attempt to initiate and promote this shift. Rather than teaching values and moral principles under a particular subject heading, values need to be a part of everyday in-school and out-school activities. To concretize this concept, a model is proposed in this study as a holistic model of values integration via whole school ambiances and community support.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Need and Significance of the Study
2. Review of Related Literature
2.1 Learning Crisis and Sustainable Learning
2.2 Values and Values Education
2.3 Nature of Values: Universal vs Relative
2.4 Need and Importance of Values in Education
2.5 Models of Values Education
3. BIMA: A Proposed Model of Values Integration
3.1 Building a Whole School Culture or Institutional Culture
3.2 Modeling by Teachers and Family/Community
3.3 Integrating Values with Co-curricular Activities
3.4 Assessment
4. Conclusion


  • Romkanta Pokhrel Secondary School Coordinator, Sathya Sai Shiksha Sadan and Head of Department of English, Southwestern State College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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