

Anti-Obesity Effects of Red Beet Extract




Obesity is caused by the accumulation of triglycerides in adipocytes by the differentiation and lipid synthesis process of pre-adipocytes, and excessive accumulation of adipocytes by the activated Adipogenesis process within the differentiated cells. Therefore, inhibiting the differentiation of adipocyte cells or controlling the adipogenesis process is known as an effective treatment method for obesity. This study evaluates the inhibition of Red beet root extract on pancreatic lipase and pre-adipocyte cell differentiation. Also it evaluates the Red beet root extract activities on C/EBP-α,β, and PPAR-ϒ. The experiments proved that the Red beet root extract inhibits pancreatic lipase by concentration dependency. Further, in 3T3-L1 inhabitation experiment, it was found Red beet root extract inhibited adipocyte formation. Red beet root extract also inhibits the expression of C/EBP-α, C/EBP-β, and PPAR-γ which effect the process of adipocytic differentiation. We therefore concluded that RBE has a high potential to further studies on anti-obesity effect.


1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods.
2.1 Manufacturing Red Beet Extract.
2.2 Cell Line and Cell Culture.
2.3 Cell-Toxicity Experiment
2.4 Inhibition Measurement of Pancreatic Lipase Activity
2.5 Adipogenesis Induction
2.6 Oil Red O Assay
2.7 Real-time PCR
3. Result and Study
3.1 Cell-Toxicity Experiment
3.2 Pancreatic Lipase Activity Inhibition
3.3 Formation of adipocyte (Oil Red O Assay)
3.4 Verification of Real-Time PCR Gene Expression relating Adipogenesis
4. Conclusion.


  • Hwan Song Associate Professor, Department of Beauty Design, Chodang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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