

A Study on the Business Model of a Fan Community Platform ‘Weverse’




We look at the business model development of a fan community platform ‘Weverse’ from two-sided platform (TSP) to multi-sided platform (MSP) and investigate its platform business model. From the Rocket Model’s theoretical perspective, the results reveal that Weverse firstly focuses on inviting artists as many as possible starting from BTS, then attracts new artists’ fans naturally. For success of this TSP, it forms MSP, ‘Weverse Shop’ to meet two sides’ relevant needs timely and filtered. In third stage of connection, various partnerships are attempted in terms of open platform strategies. For instance, by combining ‘VLive’ and Weverse, Naver’s fan platform business is transferred to Weverse. For core transaction through direct and indirect monetization, several cobranding activities are tried. Lastly, regarding optimization, newly born Weverse being launched in the first half of 2022 is supposed to create further synergies with Naver’s R&D capabilities in data, AI, and other technologies like metaverse platform ‘ZEPETO’ which already sells clothing items of Weverse artists.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review and Theoretical Background
2.1 Previous Research
2.2 Theoretical Background
3. Research Design
4. Results
4.1 Attraction of Critical Mass on the TSP
4.2 Match of Two Sides’ Needs on the MSP
4.3 Connection of MSPs with Open Platform Strategy
4.4 Core Transaction Supported by Interacting
4.5 Optimization of Matching, Connecting and Transacting Functions
5. Conclusion


  • Song, Minzheong Assistant Professor, Department of Media Communication & Advertising, Hansei University, Korea


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