

Selective Advertisement Transmission System Design Using Smart Sensor



In this paper, we sought ways to accept and reject advertisements using the function of a smartphone gyro sensor to enable selective transmission and reception of YouTube advertisements by linking the gyro function of mobile phones. In the case of YouTube advertisements, the skip button is activated after the advertisement is played for a certain period of time (about 5 seconds) before and after the video is played. During the time the advertisement is maintained, it can be used to achieve various goals such as increased website traffic, brand awareness, and sales induction. Since this type of advertisement is not a setting in which the transition takes place immediately, it can be seen as the most suitable setting to strengthen brand awareness. However, due to the nature of the YouTube advertising system, it is often discarded through users' skipping behavior in the process of sharing and reproducing information. Therefore, in this paper, we implemented an optional advertisement transmission system that applies the principle of gyroscope to minimize wasted advertisements and selectively maintain desired advertisements in consideration of the transmission and reception aspects of advertisement broadcasts. It measures rotational repulsive force with directional stability and car wash characteristics, and uses algorithms to identify the slope and angular speed of mobile phones to ensure that advertisements are transmitted and received. Through this, it is expected that advertisement transmission can be performed on the side of an advertisement provider, and selective advertisement reception can be performed on the side of a user.


1. Introduction
2.1 YouTube
2.2 AdSense
2.3 Gyro-Sensor
3.1 Gyro-Sensor approach
3.2 Application of Gyro sensor
3.3 Advertisement Skip Button Test


  • Myung-Jae Lim Professor, Department of Medical IT, Eulji University, Korea
  • Dong-Kun Chung Professor, Department of Medical IT, Eulji University, Korea
  • Kyu-Dong Kim Professor, Department of Medical IT, Eulji University, Korea
  • Young-Man Kwon Professor, Department of Medical IT, Eulji University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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