

Research Article

UV-B조사 시간에 따른 흑타리 자실체의 저장 특성


Effect of UV-B irradiation time on storage characteristics of the fruiting body of Heuktari

박태민, 박윤진, 오태석, 조용구, 장명준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This experiment was conducted to investigate the changes in freshness parameters and determine the optimal UV-B irradiation conditions for each storage period for Heuktari, an oyster mushroom cultivar, grown under LED lightNo significant changes were observed in the CO2 and O2 content until day 12 of storage; however, after day 15, the CO2/O2 ratios were higher in the UV-treated groups than in the untreated groups. No color difference was observed between the UV-treated and untreated groups. In all UV-treated groups, hardness decreased over time; however, the group irradiated for 15 minutes showed higher hardness values t han those of the untreated group. The UV-irradiated group showed higher ergosterol content than did the untreated group, and scanning electron microscopy revealed that mushroom cell wall destruction increased with increased UV treatment time. Overall, these findings confirmed that UV-B irradiation increased the ergosterol content of Heuktari but decreased its freshness and negatively impacted other storage characteristics.


재료 및 방법
배지제조 및 생육 환경
UV조사 및 저장
저장특성 조사
에르고스테롤(Ergosterol) 함량 분석
UV 조사시간에 따른 전자현미경 분석
통계 처리
결과 및 고찰


  • 박태민 Tae-Min Park. 공주대학교 식물자원학과
  • 박윤진 Youn-Jin Park. 두과녹비자원연구센터
  • 오태석 Tae-Seok Oh. 공주대학교 식물자원학과
  • 조용구 Young-Koo Cho. 공주대학교 식물자원학과
  • 장명준 Myoung-Jun Jang. 공주대학교 식물자원학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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