

미국 덴버 형태기반코드(FBCs)의 특성 분석 : 도시형태를 중심으로


The Characteristics of Form Based Codes on Urban Form of Denver, USA


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The characteristics analyzed on the urban form of Denver's form-based code, which is a hybrid form, are as follows; (1)Denver Zoning Codes use urban forms and uses for each hierarchy of urban spaces. Neighborhood Contexts organized the characteristics of urban form elements(road, block, building type, etc.) is classified based on use at the district level, and standards utilize regulations on architectural types and detailed building use standards. (2)The characteristics of the FBC districts designated can be summarized as upzoning tendency to higher density and mixed-use districts (3)In the case of houses, although Context is different, there are many cases that the building forms standards are same other Contexts. they generally have similar standards. These may reduce the differences in the urban forms between Denver’s neighborhoods. (4)Specific standards are playing a role in keeping residential building types to maintain the typological characteristics of the building; height and story, minimum lot area and width, setback, bulk plane, upper story setback, structure width and length, etc. (5)Conventional regulation standards such as FAR, Coverage, and Bulk Plans are minimized to increase the easy-read and predictability of the results for standards. It is expected that the results of this study will provide implications when applying form-based codes in Korea in the future.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 분석의 틀
3. 덴버 형태기반코드의 도입 배경과 체계
3.1 조닝코드 도입 배경 및 연혁
3.2 조닝코드의 구성체계
4. 덴버 형태기반코드의 도시형태 특성 분석
4.1. 네이버후드 컨텍스트(Neighborhood Context)
4.2. 지구 구분과 지구 지정(Districts)
4.3. 건축기준(Standards)
5. 결론


  • 조준범 Cho, Joon-Beom. 목포대학교 도시및지역개발학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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