

A Study on Korean-Thai Traditional Wedding Dresses



The purpose of this study is to detail the background information and characteristics of Thai and Korean traditional wedding dresses, to shed light on their similarities and differences, and to determine related factors. As weddings are very important events, each country has its ceremonial traditions and style of wedding dress. Although Thailand and Korea are both in Asia, their cultural patterns vary according to different factors such as weather, social structure, economy, beliefs, etc. Therefore, this study seeks to provide basic knowledge about Thai and Korean wedding dresses. The results of this study show that there are some similarities between Thai and Korean wedding dresses: 1) Color-related beliefs influence the dress design, and 2) The dress design was originally developed in imitation of the royal dress style. One of the main differences, though, is that Thai traditional wedding dresses display more design patterns than Korean wedding dresses.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Korean Traditional Wedding Ceremony and Wedding Costume
1. Korean Traditional Wedding Ceremony
2. Korean Traditional Wedding Dress
Ⅲ. Thai Traditional Wedding Ceremony and Wedding Costume
1. Thai Traditional Wedding Ceremony
2. Thai Traditional Wedding Dress
Ⅳ. The Results


  • Kornnapha Boonphisudsilp Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand


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