

Some State Management Issues on Vietnam-Korea Multi-cultural Marriage and Family-practical Study in Vietnam



Multiculturalism is the source of identity, innovation, and creativity that unites people around the world. Therefore, building a happy and civilized multicultural family is the goal of every country. Vietnam and Korea officially established diplomatic relations on December 22, 1992. Over the past 30 years, the two countries relations have developed rapidly with two upgrades from Comprehensive Partnership in 2002 to ‘Strategic Partnership’ (2009). Over time, the relationship between Vietnam and Korea has made positive developments in many fields such as politics, investment, trade, tourism, and culture. The number of Korean- Vietnamese multicultural families increased due to the demand for marriage. For Vietnamese women, the desire to immigrate to Korea is to change their lives and find a stable life. However, differences in language, especially culture, make vulnerable family members (women, children) face many difficulties such as unhappy married life; Children's education issues; Naturalization issues; Repatriation; Community reintegration. With the content: "Some state management issues of Vietnam-Korea multicultural marriage and family - practical research in Vietnam", the study focuses on clarifying: (i) Theoretical basis of the multicultural family; (ii) The interference of Vietnamese and Korean cultures; (iii) Difficulties in state management of marriage and family in Vietnamese-Korean multicultural families; (iv) Proposing some solutions. The research was carried out by specific methods such as (i) Literature review; (ii) Analysis of available statistics; (iii) Practical research through the qualitative survey (In-depth interviews with vulnerable groups; the target group is leaders and managers of family affairs in Vietnam). The purpose of the study is to ensure the interests of members of multicultural families, to promote cooperation and friendship between the two countries (Vietnam - Korea) in the field of culture.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Basis
1. Scientific Basis of State Management of Multicultural Families
2. Vietnamese Culture and Its Impact on Multicultural Families Vietnamese-Korean
3. Difficulties in Marriage and Divorce Settlement in Multicultural Vietnamese - Korean Families
4. Proposed Solution
Ⅲ. Conclusion


  • Nguyen Thi Trang National Academy of Public Administration, Vietnam


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