

중국과 타이완의 문장 부호 비교 - 문장 부호 규정의 성립 과정과 분화


A Comparative Study of Punctuation Marks between China and Taiwan ; The process of establishment and Differentiation of Punctuation Marks


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research aimed to compare punctuation marks frequently used in China and Taiwan, exploring the historical establishment process and differences of the current punctuation rules on both sides. In a large sense, current punctuation rules in China are based on “General Rules for Punctuation” (2011). However, in Taiwan, “The Revised Punctuation Handbook” (2008) is currently applied. They are basically rooted in the “New Punctuation” of 1920. Since 1949, they have been slightly different in usage. In particular, as rules have been revised over time, the punctuation marks on both sides showed a plethora of dissimilarities between both sides. Accordingly, this research fully paid attention to the history of Chinese punctuation marks, then briefly compared both current punctuation rules with reference to contemporary use. As a result, a few differences were found: The Chinese rules are more systemic and detailed than those in Taiwan. For instance, Taiwan's rules have no table of contents, definitions and classifications of punctuation marks. In addition, there were no specific usage and examples in Taiwan. It can be assumed that the policy and regulation of both governments have some impact on them. Simply put, Chinese learners and users should get aware of accurate Chinese punctuation marks frequently used on both sides. Furthermore, the higher similarities of the punctuation rules and usage could pave the way for more bilateral culture exchanges and Chinese learners.


1. 머리말
2. 중국어 문장 부호와 문장 부호 규정의 성립 과정
2.1. 19세기 이전의 문장 부호
2.2. 서양식 문장 부호의 도입
2.3. 중국의 문장 부호 규정의 성립
2.4. 타이완의 문장 부호 규정의 성립
3. 중국과 타이완의 현행 문장 부호 비교
3.1. 현행 문장 부호 규정의 특징 비교
3.2. 문장 부호의 명칭과 형태 비교
3.3. 문장 부호 용법 비교
4. 맺음말


  • 김미경 Kim, Mikyung. 부산외국어대학교 통역번역대학원 한중 전공 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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