

번역과 한국문학 : 어느 번역자의 변론


Translation and Korean Literature : A Defense of a Translator


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay, based on a Korean translator’s own experiences in both Korean and English translation, attempts to raise a question about the supremacy of the original work, generally presupposed in the field of translation theory and criticism. Considering there is a discrepancy between the idea of a pure national language and the various practical contexts in which it is actually used, this essay defends a translator’s authorship, based on Walter Benjamin’s arguments on the task of a translator. Then, it looks into the often unmentioned and ignored reality surrounding a Korean translator, for instance, regarding him/her a contract worker, treating a translation as a copy or a version of the original, and yet putting on the translator’s shoulders the burden of reproducing the mysterious beauty of the original. It also examines the belletristic desire of a poet-critic on which he/she may easily be taken prey. Ultimately, this essay tries to say it is about time to give just credit to a translator as a creative author of another original and criticize English translation of Korean literature in the context of world literature rather than "Korean literature in English."


I. 서론
II. 번역자의 투명성: 출발어 중심주의와 원작 우월주의
III. 번역자의 작업과 윤리적 책임감
IV. 미문화(belletristic) 작업의 유혹
V. 결론


  • 한지희 Jihee Han. 경상국립대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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