

A Study on the Different Realizations of dis- in English


Chung, Chin-Wan

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on the variant realizations of the English prefix dis-. Studying dis- has been overshadowed by the common prefix realization studies with respect to in-, con-, un-, and non-. The common affix study has typically explained the variant realizations by adopting the division of affix classes and their phonological behaviors. However, the English prefix dis- shows aberrant realization patterns, which cannot be ascribed to the different affix classes. It is because the prefix dis- shows both realization patterns of Class-I and Class-II prefixes. Even though the prefix dis- belongs to Class-II in traditional classification, it does not follow the typical Class-II realization patterns. However, the variant realization patterns are motivated by the status of the bases. When the prefix occurs before a bound stem, the prefix final fricative does not appear in the output, while it occurs before a free-standing stem. This dual behavior of the prefix can be explained by using constraints that are domain-specific so that constraints can reflect the dual realization of the prefix. Thus, the current study reveals that the traditional division of affixes into distinct classes is not a monolithic criterion in explaining the prefix realizations.


I. Introduction
II. Data Presentation
III. Analytic Ground
IV. A Constraint-based Analysis
V. Conclusion
Works Cited


  • Chung, Chin-Wan Jeonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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