

실천적 유물론에 대한 변증법적 단상 : 물질과 정신의 이원론을 넘어


A Dialectical Reflection on the Practical Materialism : Beyond the Dualism of Idealism and Materialism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



New Materialism has been quite successful in bringing back the ontology of matter and materiality in order to overcome the binary oppositions between spirit and matter. However, it is very ironic that New Materialism has recourse to the mystic monism of materiality to go beyond the traditional dualism. Against the monism, this essay suggests practical materialism as a critical way of genuinely overcoming the dualism of idealism and materialism. First, the Hegelian dialectic will be discussed in terms of the essence-and-appearance opposition. Then, Karl Marx’s criticism of Ludwig Feuerbach’s “contemplative materialism” is to be dealt. According to Marx, the practical materialism, which relies on the Hegelian dialectics of “rising from the abstract to the concrete,” should overcome the dogmatic dualism of idealism and materialism by way of practical activity including dialectically both the concrete social reality and the abstract conceptual practice. In this sense, the practical materialism should be regarded as a more viable option for surpassing the limit of dualism rather than New Materialism.


I. 서론
II. 헤겔의 변증법과 이원론
III. 헤겔 관념론과 포이어바흐의 명상적 유물론에 대한 마르크스의 비판
IV. 추상에서 구체로의 변증법과 이원론
V. 마르크스 변증법의 내적모순과 실천적 유물론
VI. 나가며
Works Cited


  • 이준영 Lee, Jun Young. 영남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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