

T. S. 엘리엇 시학과 두 철학자 — 베르그송과 브래들리


T. S. Eliot and Two Philosophers : Bergson and Bradley


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Contrary to the general expectations of Eliot scholars, Bradley and Bergson have some common elements in their epistemological attitudes. Whereas Bergson shows both monistic and dualistic attitudes in his philosophical approach, Bradley reveals a thoroughly monistic approach to the philosophical problems. As the two most influential philosophers on Eliot’s philosophical studies and poetics, Bergson and Bradley seemed incompatible with each other’s philosophical attitude. Therefore, most of Eliot scholars tried to read Eliot’s poetry in exclusive points of view, without the consideration of possibility of the two philosophers’ cohabitation in Eliot’s poetics. So, this paper aims at showing their coexistence in Eliot’s poetics and poetry. Focusing on Eliot’s major critical terms, “dissociation of sensibility” and “unification of sensibility,” this paper tried to prove that Eliot’s poetic ideal “unification of sensibility,” the opposite poetic state of the “dissociation of sensibility,” reflects the monistic attitudes which are shared by the two philosophers. In particular, Eliot’s major poems represent the monistic experience of our life and world, with the techniques of allusion, paradox, symbolism, or the vague or ambiguous use of pronouns, which all contribute to their poetic effect of expressing the “unified sensibility.”


I. 들어가는 말
II. 베르그송과 엘리엇
III. 브래들리와 엘리엇
IV. 일원론적 인식 틀과 “감수성의 통합”
V. 엘리엇의 주요 시와 일원론적 인식 틀 : 미시적 감수성의 통합과 거시적 감수성의 통합
1. 「J. 알프레드 프루프록의 사랑 노래」
2. 『황무지』
3. 「성회 수요일」(“Ash-Wednesday”)
4. 『네 편의 사중주』
VI. 나가는 말
Works Cited


  • 이문재 Lee, Mun-jae. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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