

중국 소수문학의 문화 번역을 위한 ‘생소화 효과’에 관한 소고


A study on alienation effect for Chinese-Korean cultural translation of minority literature.

김혜경, 이정순

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Translating a text in Chinese minority literature is one of the domains that needs to be actively researched in Chinese-Korean translation studies. The problems in translating the text in minority literature that has not received much attention tend to be more serious, and this is largely due to cultural heterogeneity and linguistic hybridity. Translation of minority literature requires a strategy in accordance with its identity; it is ‘minoritizing translation,’ and this is also called ‘foreignization’ by Venuti. This paper (i) argues that translation of Chinese minority literature with linguistic hybridity expresses unfamiliarity as a strategy, and (ii) presents a strategy of defamiliarization, which is based on Brecht’s alienation effect, assuming that unfamiliarity from cultural heterogeneity and linguistic hybridity can be relieved by minoritizing translation. When readers encounter a text of unknown culture with a creative intervention of a translator, they are more likely to accept the unfamiliarity easily. This paper is an initial study that discusses cultural translation based on linguistic hybridity of the text in Chinese minority literature. The actual application to Chinese-Korean translation is called for in future studies. In subsequent research, a case study will be conducted, which analyzes a re-written text expressing defamiliarization between Chinese and Korean cultures.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 문화번역, 언어혼종성, 그리고 번역불가능성
1. 문화번역 담론 속 언어혼종성 문제
2. 번역불가능성에 관한 철학적 성찰
III. 소수자 문학과 중국의 소수문학, 그리고 디아스포라
1. 소수자 문학과 소수화 번역
2. 조선족 디아스포라와 중국의 소수문학
IV. 소수적 번역과 ‘생소화 효과’를 통한 낯설게 하기
IV. 나가며


  • 김혜경 Kim, Hye-Kyung. 단국대
  • 이정순 Lee, Jung-Soon. 중앙대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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