

일제강점기 조선에서 활동한 일본인 통역관


A study on Japanese official interpreters in Joseon during the Japanese colonial era.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study dwells on the Japanese interpreters who made a career in Colonial Joseon while Mizuno Rentarō (水野 錬太郎) was in service as General Manager of State Affairs after March 1 Independence Movement. It explores two research questions: First, were the interpreters in charge of only interpretation at that time, or did they have other duties besides interpreting? Second, what kind of people were the interpreters who were in charge of interpretation for the high rankers of the Government-General of Joseon? In that regard, first of all, this study briefly explored the background of cultural politics in the Japanese colonial era and described the situations of official Japanese interpreters at the time and the status of the Korean language education of the Japanese. In addition, the articles in newspapers were analyzed to investigate the actual interpretation details done by Japanese interpreters. Lastly, it examined through historical data the background of several interpreters who professionally translated at the colonial Japanese authorities for men of influence.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 일제강점기 통역
1. 문화정치 시기 통역관의 현황
2. 일본인에 대한 조선어 교육
3. 통역의 역할에 대한 미즈노의 생각
III. 일본인 통역관의 활동
1. 통역관의 통역수행 관련 기사
2. 통역관의 통역 외 내용의 기사
IV. 일본인 통역관의 이력
1. 후지나미(藤波義貫)
2. 이마무라(今村重蔵)
3. 기타
Ⅴ. 나가는 말


  • 김보애 Kim, Boae. 한국외대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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