This study attempted to investigate the influence of online involvement on objectified body consciousness and body shape management behavior against high school girls. A scope of the study was limited to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube among their most popular social media platforms. The collected data were analyzed, using SPSS 26.0. To analyze subjects’ general characteristics, frequency analysis was conducted. In addition, exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha were carried out for factor analysis and reliability testing respectively. In terms of a research method, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were performed, and the results found the followings: First, ‘passive involvement’ had a positive influence on ‘body surveillance’ and ‘body shame’. Second, both ‘active involvement’ and ‘passive involvement’ revealed no effect on control beliefs. In addition, ‘passive involvement’ showed a positive influence on ‘body shape management behavior’.
本研究的目的在于考察了解女高中生的在线参与度对个体化身体意识和体型管理行为产生的影响。为此,研究范围限定在目前女高中生使用率最高的脸书、照片墙和油管等三个在线社交媒体。另外,为了分析资料,采用SPSS26.0统计软件,对调查对象的普通特点实施了频率分析,而为了探索性因素分析以及验证其可信度,在因素分析中确认了Cronbach’s α值。本文研究方法选用Pearson相关分析和多重回归分析,得出如下结论。第一,消极的参与度分别对身体监视性和身体羞耻心产生了静态影响。第二,不管是积极的参与度还是消极的参与度, 都对控制信念没有产生影响。另一方面,消极的参与度对体型管理行为也产生了静态影响。
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 온라인관여도와 객체화된 신체의식
2. 온라인관여도와 체형관리행동
III. 연구내용 및 방법
1. 연구모형
2. 연구문제
3. 연구 대상 및 기간
4. 측정도구
5. 자료분석 방법
IV. 연구 결과 및 고찰
1. 인구통계학적 특성
2. 측정도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도 검증
3. 온라인관여도, 객체화된 신체의식, 체형관리행동의 기초 분석
4. 온라인관여도, 객체화된 신체의식, 체형관리행동의 상관관계
5. 온라인관여도가 객체화된 신체의식과 체형관리행동에 미치는 영향
V. 결론