


피부미용 종사자의 재교육 인식이 실무능력에 미치는 영향 - 창원지역을 중심으로 -


The Effects of the Perception of Retraining on Working Ability in Cosmetologists - focused on the Changwon area -

이외선, 곽승준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to investigate the influence of the perception of retraining on working ability against cosmetologists and examine current retraining status and curriculums. For this, data were collected and analyzed, using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. Subjects’ general characteristics, job type and retraining status were estimated through percentage and frequency analysis. In addition, means, standard deviation, percentage and frequency analysis were used to assess retraining and analyze financial performances by retraining characteristics, working ability from a technical perspective, retraining characteristics and customer service skills. The results found the followings: First, concerning retraining characteristics, 82.2% respondents were positive in ‘helpful for self-development’. Second, in terms of financial performances, 75.7% had a positive response in ‘contribution to increase in sales due to technical skill improvements’ and ‘efficient time management’. Third, 75.7% revealed high financial performances in ‘self-confident in using technical skills’ and ‘better understanding of theories’. Fourth, after retraining, the respondents showed a positive response in ‘I’m making my best efforts in customer services’, ‘able to cope with customer complaints in a more flexible fashion’ and ‘confident in communication with customers’. Fifth, ‘helpful for business management’, ‘helpful for interpersonal relationships’ and ‘sufficient qualification as instructor’ had a statistically significant influence on financial performances.


本研究旨在了解从事护肤美容业的从业者再教育认识对实践能力产生的影响以及目前实施的再教育内容等再教育现况。为此,本文利用IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0软件进行了资料分析。关于分析方法,首先以百分比和频率分析方法计算出一般特点、工作模式、再教育现况,其次利用平均及标准偏差、百分比、频度分析方法计算出由不同学员再教育评价和再教育特点带来的财务成果、再教育特点和技术层面上的实践能力、再教育特点和顾客服务实践能力。经分析得出如下结果。第一,在再教育特点方面,‘对自我开发有帮助’的选项获得了82.2%的肯定评价。第二,在财务成果方面,‘再教育后专业技能得到提高,并带来美容院营业额增长’、‘再教育后可有效利用闲暇时间’的选项获得了75.7%的肯定评价。第三,‘再教育后对应用专业技能产生信心’、‘再教育后对专业理论的理解能力得到提高’的选项获得75.7%的评价,财务成果获得增加。第四,‘再教育后更加竭尽全力服务好每位顾客’、‘再教育后产生了能够更灵活应对顾客投诉事宜的自信’、‘更有自信与顾客进行沟通’等选项都获得了肯定评价。第五,财务成果分析结果显示,再教育对改善经营、搞好人际关系、提高讲师能力等方面具有积极作用,而且有助于提高财务成果。


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 피부미용 산업
2. 미용 산업 재교육 목적
3. 피부미용 종사자의 재교육 활용성
III. 연구내용 및 방법
1. 연구문제
2. 연구 대상 및 기간
3. 측정도구
4. 자료분석 방법
IV. 연구 결과 및 고찰
1. 인구통계학적 특성
2. 대상자의 재교육 현황
3. 재교육 특성
4. 재교육 평가에 따른 재무적 성과
5. 재교육 특성과 기술적 측면 실무능력
6. 재교육 특성과 고객 서비스 측면 실무능력
7. 재교육 특성에 따른 재무적 성과
V. 결론


  • 이외선 Oi Sun Lee. 창원대학교 일반대학원 향장미용전공 대학원생
  • 곽승준 Seung Jun Kwack. 창원대학교 자연과학대학 생명보건학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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