


자기애성향과 뷰티편익이 메이크업 관리행동에 미치는 영향


The Influence of Narcissistic Personality and Beauty Benefits on Make up Care Behavior

신양희, 우미옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to investigate the influence of narcissistic personality and beauty benefits on makeup behavior. For this, a questionnaire survey was performed against adult women in their 20-50s, and the collected data were analyzed, using SPSS 26.0. To analyze subjects’ general characteristics, frequency analysis was conducted. For factor analysis and reliability testing, in addition, exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were carried out respectively. In terms of a research method, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were performed, and the results found the followings: First, in the influence of narcissistic personality on makeup behavior, as other-dependent propensity increased, social management behavior was also high. As self-initiative tendency rose, furthermore, personal management behavior was high. Second, in the effects of beauty benefits on makeup behavior, symbolic benefits were greater than hedonic benefits in terms of influence on social management behavior while the former was smaller than the latter in terms of influence on personal management behavior. Third, in the effects of narcissistic personality on beauty benefits, as other-dependent propensity increased, both hedonic and symbolic benefits were high accordingly.


本研究旨在通过以20-59岁女性为对象的问卷调查,考察自恋倾向和美容受益对化妆行为产生的影响。资料分析采用SPSS26.0统计软件,对调查对象的普通特点进行了频率分析,同时为了验证探索性因素分析及其可信度,在因素分析中确认了 Cronbach’s α值。研究方法采用了Pearson相关分析和多重回归分析。经分析研究得出如下结论。第一,在自恋倾向对化妆行为产生的影响方面,他人依赖倾向越高,呈现出较高的社会管理行为,相反自我主观倾向越高,则个人管理行为更加突出。第二,在美容受益对化妆行为产生的影响方面,象征性受益比感性受益对社会管理行为产生更大的影响,而对于个人管理行为,感性受益比象征性受益产生更大的影响力。第三,在自恋倾向对美妆受益产生的影响中,他人依赖倾向越高,可获得更高的感性受益和象征性受益。


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 가기애성향
2. 뷰티편익
3. 메이크업 관리행동
III. 연구내용 및 방법
1. 연구문제
2.조사대상 및 자료수집
3. 설문지의 구성
4. 분석방법
IV. 결과 및 고찰
1. 인구통계학적 특성
2. 자기애성향, 뷰티편익, 메이크업관리행동 요인분석
3. 자기애성향, 뷰티편익, 메이크업 곤리행동의 상관관계
4. 자기애성향이 메이크업 관리행동에 미치는 영향
5. 뷰티편익이 메이크업 관리행동에 미치는 영향
6. 자기애성향이 뷰티편익에 미치는 영향
V. 결론


  • 신양희 Yang Hee Shin. 창신대학교 복지문화대학원 미용예술학 석사
  • 우미옥 Mi Ock Woo. 창신대학교 보건복지문화대학 미용예술학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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