This study attempted to investigate the influence of self-consciousness and body consciousness on subjective satisfaction by a type of esthetic care. For this, a questionnaire survey was performed against 300 adult women aged 20-64 living in Gyeonggi-do from February 1 to March 2, 2021. A total of 285 copies excluding poorly answered ones were used for final analysis, and the results found the followings: First, according to analysis of differences in self-consciousness by a type of esthetic care, in facial skin care, private self-consciousness, public self-consciousness and social anxiety were high in terms of brightness care. In body care, social anxiety was relatively high in terms of slimming care (p<.05). Second, concerning differences in body consciousness by a type of esthetic care, in facial skin care, body confidence and body dissatisfaction were relatively high in terms of brightness care. In scalp care, body confidence was high in terms of seborrheic scalp care (p<.05). Third, regarding the influence of self-consciousness on subjective satisfaction, public self-consciousness (=.186, p<.01) and private self-consciousness (=.184, p<.01) had a positive effect on subjective satisfaction with statistical significance. In other words, as public or private self-consciousness rises, subjective satisfaction increases. Fourth, concerning the influence of body consciousness on subjective satisfaction, body care efforts (=.434, p<.001) and body confidence (=.217, p<.001) revealed a positive influence on subjective satisfaction with statistical significance. In conclusion, body consciousness was greater than self-consciousness in terms of influence on subjective satisfaction. Among the three body consciousness factors, 'body care efforts' was significant. This study aimed to improve customer satisfaction with esthetic programs and service values and increase sales by analyzing customers' psychological characteristics and encouraging esthetic salons to provide desirable services. In addition, it is anticipated that the study results would provide basic data which are needed to develop a relationship marketing-based esthetic consultation manual.
本研究旨在通过问卷调查方式阐明根据不同专业皮肤管理类型,自我意识和身体意识对主观满意度产生的影响。为此,面向居住在京畿地区的300名满24岁至满64岁的成年女性,在2021年2月1日至2021年3月2日为期1个月左右的时间里共发放300份问卷,回收了285份有效调查问卷。 本研究得出的结论如下。 第一,对不同专业皮肤管理类型是否引发自我意识差异的分析结果显示,在面部皮肤管理方面,美白管理会引发较高的个人自我意识和公共自我意识以及社会焦虑,而在身体皮肤管理方面,瘦身管理会引发相对较高的社会焦虑。(p<.05) 第二,对不同专业皮肤管理类型是否引发身体意识差异的分析结果显示,在面部皮肤管理方面,美白管理会引发较高的身体自信或身体不满,而在头皮皮肤管理方面,油脂性头皮管理会引发较高的身体自信。(p>.05) 第三,考察自我意识是否对主观满意度产生影响的结果显示,三个下级因素中公共自我意识(β=.186、p<.01)和个人自我意识(β=.184、p<.01)对主观满意度产生正向影响。因此,公共及个人自我意识越高,主观满意度就越高。第四,考察身体意识是否对主观满意度产生影响的结果显示,身体管理实践努力(β=.434、p<.001)和身体自信(β=.217、p<.001)对主观满意度产生正向影响。由此可知,相比自我意识,身体意识更能影响主观满意度,而在影响身体意识的下级因素中,身体管理实践努力的影响力最强。 基于本研究结果,不仅可以掌握顾客心理特点,为顾客引导提供量身定制服务,而且通过让顾客感到满意的皮肤美容室顾客服务项目,可实现顾客再次访问以及提高收益的目标。另外,本研究结果可用于开发基于人际关系的皮肤管理营销及咨询手册的基础性资料。
I. 서론
2. 연구문제
II. 이론적 배경
1. 전문피부관리
2. 자기의식(Self-Consciousness)
3. 신체의식(Body consciousness)
III. 연구방법 및 도구
1. 연구대상 및 자료수집
2. 연구도구
3. 자료분석
VI. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 조사대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 측정도구에 대한 타당성 및 신뢰도 검증
3. 전문피부관리 유형에 따른 자기의식, 신체의식의 차이
4. 자기의식, 신체의식이 주관적 만족도에 미치는 영향
V. 결론