

Bridging Asian Communities with New Academic Partnerships and the Exchange of Ideas : Capacity Building in Architectural Heritage Conservation




Given the current lack of awareness and training regarding heritage conservation in Asia, it is inevitable that advanced discourses about cultural heritage management are urgently required at every level from the national to the regional and global, and advanced discourses among skilled historic buildings professionals are needed as well. If nothing is planned now, it is believed that the current heritage education situation will get even worse in the future due to the rapid urban development of historic cities and mass tourism in Asia. The need to lead a collaborative effort with top Asian university partners to advance conservation pedagogy and research is urgently required. This proposed offering would train skilled professionals in architectural conservation who would subsequently develop the region’s heritage conservation capacity. The proposed research aims to provide a framework for establishing the Asian heritage education community of five Asian universities, which are already running or intending to offer heritage conservation degree courses soon, to develop architectural conservation pedagogy and research. The collaborative programmes would then be provided for students and professionals in the region through classroom-based or online programmes. The universities, which could become a part of this heritage community, are the Korea National University of Cultural Heritage (Daejeon, South Korea), the National University of Singapore, Southeast University (Nanjing, China), Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), and the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR).


I. Introduction
Ⅱ. Bridging the gap: Conservation education in Asia
Ⅲ. Heritage conservation education: Status in selected five Asian universities, and observation for development of joint courses
Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Nikhil Joshi Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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