


中国的技术侦查及其司法控制 - 以数字时代为背景 -


China’s Technical Investigation and Its Judicial Control - With the Background of the Digital Age -

刘玫, 陈雨楠

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Forther evision of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China in 2012, it incorporated technical investigation measures into legal regulation, which thus opened a major historical process of the legalization of technical investigation. With the integration development of technical investigation and the new generation of information technology in the digital age, it has promoted the constant up dating of the technical means and methods. However, the relevant legal provisions are scattered and unsystematic since some provisions on technical investigation in the criminal procedure law and supporting provisions lag behind the investigation practice, which exists some problems, such as unclear definition of substantive conditions, excessive loose specific implementation procedures and so on. As the result, the centralized and unified legislation on technical investigation measures under the guidance of the principle of proportionality should be carried out. In terms of the judicial control of China’s technical investigation in the digital age, it should start from two perspectives of entity and procedure, which should clarify the concept of technical investigation, and clarify the implementation subject and case scope of technical investigation in the aspect of entity. Then, it should establish the judicial control mode of technical investigation combining internal supervision and external supervision mechanism in the aspect of procedure, which should also strictly review the types and duration of technical investigation, as well as refine the use principles and rules of technical investigation evidence.


2012年《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》修订,将技术侦查措施纳入法 律规制,开启技术侦查法治化的重大历史进程. 数字时代,技术侦查与新 一代信息技术融合发展,技术手段与方法不断更新. 然而,刑事诉讼法及 配套规定中关于技术侦查的部分规定滞后于侦查实践,相关法律规定零 散而不成体系,存在实体条件上定义不明确、具体执行程序过于宽松等 问题. 为此,有必要以比例原则为指引,对技术侦查措施进行集中、统一 立法. 数字时代中国技术侦查的司法控制应从实体与程序两个角度切入, 在实体方面,厘清技术侦查的概念,明确技术侦查的实施主体及案件范 围;在程序方面,确立内部监督与外部监督机制相结合的技术侦查司法 控制模式,严格审查技术侦查适用的种类与期限,细化技术侦查证据的 使用原则与规则.


Ⅰ. 问题的提出
Ⅱ. 中国技术侦查的发展历程及制度安排
Ⅲ. 数字时代中国技术侦查的法治困境
Ⅳ. 数字时代中国技术侦查的司法控制路径
Ⅴ. 结语


  • 刘玫 류매. 中国政法大学教授,博士生导师
  • 陈雨楠 진우남. 中国政法大学2020级诉讼法学专业博士研究生


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