

순차통역 수업에서 동료 피드백의 공손 전략


Politeness Strategies Employed in Peer Feedback During Consecutive Interpreting Classes.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Professional interpreter training is centered around the acquisition and development of interpreting skills, which is reinforced and supported through feedback. Throughout interpreter training, both trainers and peer trainees provide feedback based on their evaluation of interpreting quality. Because feedback can be face-threatening, feedback providers tend to make efforts to address the face wants of those involved through politeness strategies. This paper examines politeness strategies trainees engage in when they evaluate peers’ interpreting performances based on an analysis of the discourse of nine consecutive interpreting classes at an MA program. The analysis sheds some light on how face threat is managed in such social and situational contexts to facilitate collaborative learning in the classroom. The findings indicate that positive politeness strategies are associated with positive feedback whereas negative politeness strategies with negative feedback or reserved feedback. Positive politeness strategies identified in the data included positive comments, agreement or sympathy, friendly term of address, and laughter, and these strategies were often used together with negative feedback to mitigate face threat. Negative politeness strategies included a wide range of hedging, such as indirect expressions, subjunctive moods, limitation or reduction, non-final ending and incomplete utterances, and interrogative or rising intonation. Frequent uses of fuzzy and indirect expressions suggest that trainees attempted to address the threat to the face of other trainees and trainers. The results offer insight into the interpersonal aspect of peer feedback in consecutive interpreting classes. Finally this paper acknowledges its limitations and suggests further research that may contribute to the discussion on effective interactional feedback in interpreting pedagogy.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구
2.1. 협력 학습과 동료 피드백
2.2. 공손성 전략
3. 연구 문제와 연구 방법
4. 연구 결과
4.1. 적극적 공손 전략
4.2. 소극적 공손 전략
5. 논의 및 결론


  • 이지은 Lee, Jieun. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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