

한국 영화 영어 더빙본의 평가어 분석


A Study on Appraisal Translation of English-dubbed Korean Films.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The film dialogue helps guide the response of the spectator. Often dialogue is a tool for controlling viewers’ evaluation and emotion. And appraisal theory is the most fully developed model of evaluation. Thus it can show how viewers understand and evaluate specific situations or characters in films. This study aims to put forward the quantitative and qualitative shift of appraisal between Korean films and their dubbed versions. The findings show English-dubbed Korean films have far more appraisals than original Korean films do. The study presents three classifications where the use of appraisal comes into play: appraisals in the target text replace culture-specific items in the source text; appraisals evaluate situations in film; or appraisals evaluate film characters. By using appraisal much more in the target text, dubbed versions provide the target audience with a more explicit understanding of source culture, film plot and characters.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 평가어 이론
2.2. 더빙의 평가어 연구
3. 분석 텍스트 및 방법
3.1. 분석 텍스트
3.2. 분석 방법
4. 분석 결과
4.1. 평가어의 정량적 변화
4.2. 문화적 또는 관용적인 표현의 전달
4.3. 상황에 대한 평가의 전달
4.4. 인물에 대한 평가의 전달
5. 결론


  • 윤미선 Yoon, Miseon. 동국대학교 영어영문학부 미래인력양성사업팀


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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