

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

A Study on Design of Real-time Big Data Collection and Analysis System based on OPC-UA for Smart Manufacturing of Machine Working



In order to design a real time big data collection and analysis system of manufacturing data in a smart factory, it is important to establish an appropriate wired/wireless communication system and protocol. This paper introduces the latest communication protocol, OPC-UA (Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture) based client/server function, applied user interface technology to configure a network for realtime data collection through IoT Integration. Then, Database is designed in MES (Manufacturing Execution System) based on the analysis table that reflects the user's requirements among the data extracted from the new cutting process automation process, bush inner diameter indentation measurement system and tool monitoring/ inspection system. In summary, big data analysis system introduced in this paper performs SPC (statistical Process Control) analysis and visualization analysis with interface of OPC-UA-based wired/wireless communication. Through AI learning modeling with XGBoost (eXtream Gradient Boosting) and LR (Linear Regression) algorithm, quality and visualization analysis is carried out the storage and connection to the cloud.


1. Introduction
2. Smart Factory Network and Data Status Issues
3. OPA-UA based IoT Integration design
3.1 Concept and Server/Client Design of OPC-UA It can be said that OPC UA
3.2 OPC-UA based IIoT integrated network design
4. Big data collection and analysis architecture design
4.1 Big data collection and analysis model proposal
4.2 Big data collection and analysis structure design
4.3 MES SPC and AI Learning Model Analysis
4.4 Implications and differences of this research
5. Conclusion


  • Jaepyo Kim Master, Ph.D. student, Dept. Of Smart Convergence Consulting, Hansung University, Seoul, Korea
  • Youngjoo Kim Assistant, CTO / Ph.D. LKLab
  • Seungcheon Kim Professor, Dept. of IT Convergence, Hansung University, Seoul, Korea


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