

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

On the Needs of Vertical and Horizontal Transportation Machines for Freight Transportation Standard Containers to Derive Design Requirements Optimized for the Urban Railway Platform Environment



Recently, the number of consumers using digital online distribution platforms is increasing. This caused the rapid growth of the e-commerce market and increased delivery volume in urban areas. The logistics system, designed ar006Fund the city center to handle the delivery volume, operates a delivery system from the outskirts of the city to the urban area using cargo trucks. This maintains an ecosystem of high-cost and inefficient structures that increase social costs such as road traffic congestion and environmental problems. To solve this problem, research is being conducted worldwide to establish a high-efficiency urban joint logistics system using urban railway facilities and underground space infrastructure existing in existing cities. The joint logistics system begins with linking unmanned delivery automation services that link terminal delivery such as cargo classification and stacking, infrastructure construction that performs cargo transfer function by separating from passengers such as using cargo platform. To this end, it is necessary to apply the device to the vertical and horizontal transportation machine supporting the vertical transfer in the flat space of the joint logistics terminal, which is the base technology for transporting cargo using the transfer robot to the destination designated as a freight-only urban railway vehicle. Therefore, this paper aims to derive holistic viewpoints needs for design requirements for vertical and vertical transportation machines and freight transportation standard containers, which are underground railway logistics transport devices to be constructed by urban logistics ecosystem changes.


1. Introduction
2. The Definition of the Problems
2.1 Problems of the Operation Structure of Urban Logistics System
2.2 The Importance of Vertical and Horizontal Transportation Machine’s Development using Underground Railway Platform
2.3 Research of Scope and Procedure
3. Analysis of Vertical and Horizontal Transportation Machine’s Operation Concept
3.1 Analysis of Integration Operation Concept
3.2 Analysis of Vertical Transportation Machine(VTM)’s Operation Concept
3.3 Analysis of Horizontal Transportation Machine(HTM)’s Operation Concept
4. Development of Vertical and Horizontal Transportation Machine’s DesignRequirements and Analysis of Needs Feasibility
4.1 Derivation of Functional, Technical, and Environmental Needs
4.2 Design Requirement Development
4.3 Needs Feasibility Analysis
5. Conclusion


  • Sang Min Lee Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University, Korea
  • Jae Min Park Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University, Korea
  • Young Min Kim Associate professor, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University, Korea
  • Joo Uk Kim Senior Researcher, Korea Railroad Research Institute


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