

A Cognitive Grammar Approach to the Antipassive Construction in English


Jing Ying Li, Kyu-Hong Hwang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a grammatical category, the antipassive in English is often seen in the discourse but has not been widely studied in contrast to the passive. For one thing, the construction used to be regarded as being exclusive to ergative-absolutive languages. For another, the binary voice division in many traditional grammar books has precluded ESL and EFL learners from being exposed to fine-grained classification of voice construction. Given this, this paper aims to address the English antipassive construction from the perspective of cognitive grammar. It is argued that the antipassive has discrete features and is not confined to one single construction; instead, several constructions instantiate the antipassive in at least five ways: (i) object deletion or suppression, (ii) conative construction or preposition drop alternation, (iii) object incorporation, (iv) plural, indefinite, or non-referring objects, and (v) non-fact modalities. In terms of the prototypicality of the construction, type (i), type (ii), and type (iii) are more typical antipassives as they involve a shift of transitivity. In terms of continuous features, type (iv) and type (v) can be taken as non-typical antipassives or overlaps with the active in that they only exhibit the characteristics of the antipassive semantically. Thus, it is reasonable to say that both the active and antipassive are counterparts of the passive.


1. Introduction
2. An Overview of the Related Notions of Cognitive Grammar
2.1. Prototype, Non-Prototype and Schema
2.2. Discreteness and Continuity
2.3. Consrtual
3. Discrete Features of the Antipassive Constructions in English
3.1. The Properties of Antipassive Constructions
3.2. The Variants of Antipassive Constructions
3.3. Construal and Antipassive Construction
4. The Continuity of the Antipassives and Their Schematic Representation and Cognitive Model
4.1. Continuous Features of Antipassive Construction in English
4.2. The Schema and Proposed Sketch of the Antipassive Cognitive Model
5. Conclusion


  • Jing Ying Li Xianyang Normal University/Full-time instructor
  • Kyu-Hong Hwang Dong-A University/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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