

An Acoustic Analysis of Word-Initial Stops Produced by Jeju Korean Speakers


Kyung-Im Han

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates the acoustic properties of Korean stops in word-initial position produced by Jeju speakers and examines the effects of phonation type, place of articulation, and speaker’s gender on VOT, F0, H1-H2, and the spectral properties of the stop release bursts. The findings show that VOT, F0, the amplitude difference in the first harmonic and the second harmonic(H1-H2), and the amplitude intensity of a release burst for Korean stops contribute to the phonation type, whereas VOT and the four spectral moment analysis contribute to the place of articulation. That is, Jeju speakers employ the distinctive acoustic cues for the stop consonants in terms of phonation type and place of articulation. Aside from the fact that acoustic parameters of speech encode linguistic information, the present study suggests that F0, H1-H2, skewness, kurtosis, and the amplitude intensity of a release burst are employed to convey social information about a speaker’s gender. In particular, the present study suggests that the release burst of stops can convey social information as well as linguistic information.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Method
3.1. Participants
3.2. Data Collection and Recording Procedure
3.3. Acoustic and Statistical Analysis
4. Results
4.1. VOT
4.2. F0
4.3. H1-H2
4.4. Spectral Moments
4.5. Intensity
5. Conclusion and Summary


  • Kyung-Im Han Keimyung University/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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