

Understanding Untactification in Contactless Shopping : Focusing on Affordance Theory



The global pandemic has enormously changed people's consumption activities and business ecosystems. One of the most notable changes is the increase in contactless services due to social distancing, including kiosk orders at restaurants and coffee shops and cashier-free small stores. However, these services are still experimental or uncomfortable for some users, and this becomes the challenge for the transition to a digital society. In the context of the current New Normal state, where the untact interactions in response to the pandemic are highlighted, research on the concept of such non-face-to-face communications is still lacking. Therefore, this study uses the affordance theory to (1) define four types of untactification affordances in non-face-to-face shopping, and (2) determine how these types of affordance affect users' shopping engagement and continuous use intention. For this purpose, this study plans to collect and analyze data from users of F5 Future Store, a famous cashier-free convenience store brand in China.


Literature Review
Contactless Retail Shopping
Untactification Affordance
Research Model and Hypotheses
Future Research and Expected Contributions


  • Juyeon Ham School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Seoyoun Lee School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Younghoon Chang School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology


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