

E-Book Recommendation System with Topic Modeling based on LDA



In this paper, we present an e-book recommendation system using topic-modeling based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) that is a probabilistic model increasingly used in various textual data analysis. Through the generated topics, we found the latent themes of the topics by estimating probability distributions for the topics in eBooks and words. We also address the basic concept of micro-segmentation used mainly in customer marketing field, which ensures that a variety of eBooks are recommended to users. The primary aim of our proposed method is to integrate the effective and efficient techniques with only using textual data of eBooks to improve recommendation performance in Content-Based Filtering (CBF) recommendation when it is unable to rely on the Collaborative Filtering (CF) utilizing ratings and reviews data obtained from a user's own past information. The experiment demonstrates the robustness of the presented method, and also shows that the method provides explainable recommendation results.


1. Introduction
2. Topic Modeling based on LDA
3. Proposed System
3.1. System Architecture
3.2. Process of Proposed Method
4. Experiments
4.1. Evaluation
4.2. Results
5. Conclusion and Future Research Directions


  • Byounghee Kim Edulab AI Lab
  • Jungah An Edulab AI Lab
  • Bokyeong Kang Edulab AI Lab


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