

The Effect of Mobility Convenience and Virtual Communities on the Continued Use of Online Education Systems



The fast diffusion of Internet has changed the way in which individuals interact in various contexts. The education sector is also part of this transformation. Universities, for example, have been gradually investing in technologies before the COVID-19, but it was this pandemic the event that boosted the worldwide adoption of these platforms. Recent reports show that mobility stands as one of the main benefits of remote classes, while the lack of functionalities related to community interaction may stand as an important roadblock for their adoption. Considering that e-learning platforms will be critical for higher education in this new context, even after the pandemic, it is important to understand the factors that lead to a continued use of these systems. The present research focuses on the effect of mobility convenience and features related to virtual communities. Results are expected to provide theoretical and practical implications.


Theoretical Framework
Online Education Analysis Framework: An Activity
Theory-Based Approach
Expectation-Confirmation Model
Research Model and Hypotheses
Research Methodology
Measurement Instrument
Data Collection
Data Analysis


  • Michelle Rodriguez-Serra Engineering School, Universidad del Pacifico
  • Christian Fernando Libaque-Saenz Engineering School, Universidad del Pacifico


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