

第9分科 / 日本學Ⅰ

한국광복군 시각 상징물 디자인 연구


A Study on the Visual Symbol Design of the Korean Independence Army

이석, 김민수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper intends to analyze the design of visual symbols established by the Korean Independence Army(hereinafter abbreviated as KIA) during Japanese colonization in 1940, and to examine how the ideological aspects of the KIA and the historical situation at that time relate to the visual symbols of the Korean army after liberation in 1945. In this study, the design of the visual symbols of the Korean Empire and the visual symbol of the KIA were compared and analyzed, and through this, some similarities in graphics and layouts were found. And this was interpreted as the spirit of the KIA's will to succeed the Korean Empire(1897 1910). In addition, the pentagram, which can be said to be a key icon of the visual symbol of the KIA, was analyzed, and various possibilities such as the succession of the Korean Empire Army and the star of socialism were presented, In particular, attention was paid to the possibility that the pentagram could symbolize the Korean Empire, a country occupied by Japanese colonial rule. It was found that the visual symbols of the KIA consisted of an independent graphic design system based on Hangeul. And what this aspect meant was interpreted as an expression of the KIA's desire to express their identity and independence. The independent visual symbols constructed by the KIA gradually disappeared after liberation. Looking at the historical background of this aspect, it can be said that it reflects the plight of the KIA, which has been alienated from ideological conflicts and a storm of political power after liberation.


1. 들어가며
2. 대한제국군 계승 정신과 별의 의미
3. 광복군 시각 상징물 디자인의 독창성
4. 해방 이후의 변천사
5. 나가며


  • 이석 Lee, Seok. 서울대학교 미술대학 디자인역사문화전공 석사과정
  • 김민수 Kim, Min soo. 서울대학교 미술대학 디자인역사문화전공 주임교수

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