

第8分科 / 日本歷史學



Estimation of stone pagodas construction age from the age of construction of the Rite Syinthesizing the Tree Icons (三尊合行法)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I have already solved the mystery about the four stone pagodas I'm tentatively named them “A group of stoneps built during the Showa era(正和年間) in East Harima(東播磨)”. They were built as the ascetic practices of esoteric Buddhism for the crown prince Takaharu(皇太子尊治親王) to become the emperor. The four stone pagodas are big and very fine. They are currently designated as Hyogo Prefecture designated cultural property (兵庫県指定文化財), but must be upgraded to nationally designated important cultural properties (国指定重要文化財). In the four pagodas, The one-story stone pagpda(宝塔) in Jyoutaku-ji-temple(常楽寺) in Kakogawa-city has some problems. It is designated as Hyogo Prefecture designated cultural properties together with The Five-rings pagodas (五輪塔) on both sides of it. Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education considers the three pagoda were built together around 1315. The central one-story stone pagoda built in 1315 is made of granite and has an elaborate shape. But the Five-ring pagodas on both sides of it are made of local tuff Tatsuyama stone(龍山石), and inferior. I am sure that the two Five-ring pagodas were made during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The great priest Monkan (文観) was the owner of the temple Jyoutaku-ji-temple and the chief priest of the temple around 1315. He later became an aide to Emperor Go-Daigo (後醍醐天皇) and climbed to the top of the Shingon sect 真言宗. He devised “the Rite Syinthesizing the Tree Icons (三尊合行法)” that is the mystery of the Shingon sect. The Rite is made up of consists of Tree Icons THE central Icons is Vairocana (大日如来) = Cintamani (如意宝珠) = The one-story stone pagpda = The Five-rings pagoda, The right side Icon is Ragaraja(愛染明王= The Sun = Cintamani = The Five-rings pagoda, and The left side is Axala (不動明王) = The Moon = Cintamani = The Five-rings pagoda. It is sure that The set of three stone pagpdas in Jyoutaku-ji-temple is showing “the Rite Syinthesizing the Tree Icons” Monkan invented The Rite it in the late 1320s. He completed The Rite after the end of the 1330s. From the shape of the two Five-rings pagodas, it is thought that they were made separately during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The shapes and sizes of the two Five-rings pagodas are slightly different. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties or later, The two Five-rings pagodas were relocated to both sides of The one-story stone pagpda for The Rite.


1. 加古川市宝生山常楽寺五輪塔造立年代に関する疑問


  • 金子哲 김자철. 兵庫大学 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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