

第6分科 / 社會福祉學

日本の介護老人福祉施設などの職員研修に関する研究 ― 研修会の教育プログラムの開発について ―


Staff Training at Japanese Facilities for the Elderly Requiring Long-term Care - Development of Educational Programs for Training Sessions -

益満孝一, 猪谷生美, 朴禛馥, 趙文基

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study used a questionnaire on work duties and training to examine staff training provided at facilities for the elderly requiring long-term care. The aim was to consider how educational programs should be developed in light of differences in evaluation related to the basic attributes of gender, age, and years of experience. Ultimately, the development of such educational programs ought to facilitate human resource development, prevent turnover, and promote workplace retention through work satisfaction and training. The respondents of the study were staff members in facilities for the elderly requiring long-term care who had participated in staff training sessions organized by Prefecture A. Of the total number of respondents, 32 (31.1%) were male and 71 (68.9%) were female (valid response rate: 97.2%). Responses ranging from “Agree” to “Strongly agree” accounted for over 90% of all items. With regard to work duties, significantly higher values were observed for women than men, for those in their thirties than those in their twenties, and for those with at least four years of experience than those with less than four years of experience.


1. 序論
1.1. 調査対象
1.2. 調査方法と調査期間
1.3. 調査項目
1.4. 調査対象と分析方法
2. 結果と考察
3. 結論


  • 益満孝一 Masumitsu, Koichi. 鹿児島純心女子短期大学
  • 猪谷生美 Inotani, Takami. 佐賀大学
  • 朴禛馥 박진복. 韓瑞大学
  • 趙文基 조문기. 崇実サイバー大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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