

第3分科 / 日本語と敎育Ⅰ

日本語의 「數詞+助數詞」 읽기에 대한 고찰 ― 『NHK日本語発音アクセント新辞典』의 数詞 1~10을 중심으로 ―


A Study on Reading “Numeral+counter suffix” in Japanese - Focusing on 1-10 of 『NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accents New Dictionary』 -

일본어의 「수사+조수사」 읽기에 대한 고찰 ― 『NHK일본어발음アクセント신사전』의 수사 1~10을 중심으로 ―


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the appendix of 『NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accents New Dictionary』 published in 2016, there is a list of 258 Japanese counter suffixes, along with readings of the numeral. Of course, as it is an accent dictionary, pronunciation and accent marks are the main purposes, but it contains the readings of numeral and assistants that cannot be found in general dictionaries, so it can be said to be useful for practical purposes in everyday conversation and Japanese language education. In this presentation, we analyze and observe the characteristics of the word shapes in the readings (word form) of the numeral 1 to 10, which correspond to the 258 words of the counter suffixes in the new dictionary. Let's take a look at the aspects of each investigation.


1. 들어가기
2. 新辞典의 助數詞 현황
3. 新辭典의 數詞 1~10 읽기 고찰
3.1. ⑴漢數詞 읽기 (2語)
3.2. ⑵和數詞 읽기 (1語)
3.3. ⑶外來語 수사 읽기 (1語)
3.4. ⑷漢數詞・和數詞 混用 읽기 (246語)
3.5. ⑸기타 읽기 (8語)
3.6. 數詞 1, 6, 8, 10의 促音形 읽기
4. 나오기


  • 최건식 Choi, Kun sik. 부경대학교 일어일문학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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