

중국어 연속동사 구문의 유형론적 고찰


A Typological Study of Serial Verb Construction in Chinese.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at providing a unified account of the serial verb construction(SVC) as a complex predicate in Mandarin Chinese. Adopting the definition of SVCs from a typological perspective by Aikhenvald (2006), the proposal of this study may differ from most previous studies on the clear boundary of the Chinese serial verb construction. This study examines four types of syntactic patterns in the Chinese serial verb construction: Type1, the canonical SVC, Type2, the pivotal SVC, Type3, the coverb SVC, and Type4, the V-V compound SVC. SVCs are typically defined in morphosyntactic properties: multiple verbs, single clause, argument sharing, and no morphosyntactic linker or subordinator, etc. A prototype approach will be helpful to define and describe SVCs. In an individual language, SVCs are expected to have most, but not necessarily all, of these properties. Some types of SVC may have maximal properties while some types can be either more or less like the prototype. The analysis mainly focuses on the following parameters of the four types of SVCs in Chinese: aspectual marking, negation scope, arguments sharing, and semantic head. Each type of SVC performs differently on these parameters. Therefore, the four types of SVCs in Chinese were found to be arranged in a continuum from the perspective of prototype category. Finally, the study of the prototype and interrelationship of Chinese SVCs can provide references for cross-linguistic studies on the serial verb construction.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구
2.1 중국어 SVC 유형에 대한 인식
2.2 유형론적 관점에서 중국어 SVC의 거시적 연구
2.3 Aikhenvald(2006)의 기본주장
3. 중국어 SVC의 범위
3.1 전형적 SVC
3.2 겸어문 SVC
3.3 개사구 SVC
3.4 동보복합어 SVC
4. 각 SVC 유형의 매개변수 분석
4.1 상 표지의 분포
4.2 부정사의 위치와 범위
4.3 논항 공유 방식
4.4 의미 중심(head)의 위치
5. 토론
6. 맺음말
참고 문헌


  • 왕베이베이 Beibei Wang. 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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