


Complement Distribution and Complement Factivity of “NO”


Hashimoto, Osamu, Kikuchi, Sonomi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The following are revealed regarding the correspondence relationship, which primarily exists between the presence of factivity in O case complements and the complementizers NO and KOTO in modern Japanese. a. The presence or absence of factivity in O case complements and the selection of NO or KOTO complementizers is not a one-to-one relationship; however, under certain conditions, a correlation exists between the allowance of the NO complement and complement factivity. b. The correlation is as follows: generally, higher tolerance of NO in a tensed complement allowing KOTO results in a stronger factive interpretation of the complement. Based on the behavior related to the above, it is therefore appropriate to separate the predicates into four types as follows. Type A :represented by “kateisuru(suppose)” Type B: represented by “noberu(state,claim)” Type C :represented by “tsutaeru(tell,report)” Type D: represented by “zannengaru(regret)” Type D, Type C, Type B and Type A bring the higher factive interpretation to complement proposition in that order, in parallel, NO in type D, Type C, Type B and Type A Indicates a higher acceptability in that order.


1. Introduction
2. Factivity
3. Classifications of Complement Taking Predicates
4. Type A
5. Type B
6. Type C
7. Type D
8. Summary
8.1 Main Conclusion
8.2 Theoretical Implication
【Gloss List】
【Reference List】


  • Hashimoto, Osamu University of Tsukuba Associate Professor, Japanese Linguistics
  • Kikuchi, Sonomi Graduate Student, University of Tsukuba, Japanese Linguistics


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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