

사명당에 대한 역사적 전승 - 그의 渡日 관련 설화를 중심으로 -


Historic Folklore of 'Samyeongdang' With the Emphasis of the Fables of Episodes during his Stay in Japan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yu Jeong(1544~1610), also often known by his pen name Samyeongdang, was a Buddhist monk during the Joseon Dynasty. With the outbreak of war in 1592, he led righteous army of monks. He proved to be a great leader and excelled at fighting the Japanese. Thus he was held in high esteem even by the Yangban class. After his death, he became well-known as a great man described in various folk tales. He continues to be remembered in modern times, particularly with his tombstone of Pyochung temple in Miryang, which is said to be perspiring at the times of national crisis since the end of the Joseon Dynasty.There are few historic men who are adored as the object of veneration or remembered as the persons with supernatural magical arts even today, such as Samyeongdang. Someone might take up Kim, Deok-ryoung who was a leader of righteous armies during the Imjin war or Im, Kyong-up who was a general of official armies during the Byongja war, but their influences are limited to the sphere of shamanism. Guan Wu, who served Liu Bei at the times of the Three Kingdoms in China, could be mentioned, but he was not a historic man but only a personage fictionalized in the novel, Sanguozhiyanyi which was written by Lo Guanzhong.On the contrary, Samyeongdang is a typical figure who is still adored as a man of folk tales and a great man in history at the same time. There is no doubt that his image of today is different from his historic entity. But the story of Samyeongdang is being handed down even 400 years after his death and would be as such in the future, especially by the sweaty tombstone.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 역사적 인물로서의 사명당
 Ⅲ. 설화적 인물로서의 사명당
 Ⅳ. 여전히 초능력자인 사명당
 Ⅴ. 설문 조사로 본 사명당
 Ⅵ. 맺음말
 <참고 문헌>
 부록 : 설문 내용


  • 민덕기 Deok-Gi Min. 청주대학교 인문대학 인문학부(역사문화학 전공) 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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