

Analysis of Recognition of Nutrition Labeling in Korean : Report Based on 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data


Hae-Ryoung Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: The purpose of this study was to promote the use of nutrition labeling along with the need for more systematic education on easier nutrition labeling so that the public can easily access it. Nutrition labeling recognition was a method that helps people of all ages to choose healthier foods to improve their nutritional intake, so we intend to analyze them based on KNHANES VII-1 data. Methods/Statistical analysis: The data were analyzed the data using IBM SPSS 21.0 program. Frequency analysis and chi-square test method was conducted. The significance level was set at p <.01. Findings: As a result of whether or not nutrition labeling is recognized, the number of women who answered 'yes' was high at 70.0% (2,759 people) higher than average (68.4%). Looking at the general matters of the survey subjects, '30-39' was 92.3%, '40-49' 91.5%, and '50-59' 81.0% in that order. Regarding nutrition label recognition, 30-39 showed a very high recognition rate. On the other hand, the recognition rate of nutrition labeling was 19.9% for those over 80 years old. It was thought that education on nutrition labeling recognition will be necessary from the age of 60 or older. Regardless of the level of learning, it was found that the nutrition labeling recognition was high. By income level, 'low' 42.3%, ' Low & middle' 61.5%, ' Middle ' 69.9%, 'Middle & high ' 73.8%, and 'High' 82.6%, indicating that the higher the income, the higher the nutrition labeling recognition. Improvements/Applications: The younger and the higher the educational level, the more fully they knew about nutrition labeling. Based on this study, a more systematic nutrition awareness education was needed, and the use of nutrition labeling was to be activated.


A. Research design
B. General Characteristics
C. Analysis Method
A. General Characteristics
B. Nutrition Labeling Recognition


  • Hae-Ryoung Park Department of General Education, Kwangju Women’s University, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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