

Higher Spectral Efficiency of 3-User Cross CSC NOMA in 5G Systems




As a new paradigm in non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), correlated superposition coding (CSC) has gained an attention in the literature of NOMA, in contrast to standard independent superposition coding (ISC). In the conventional 3-user CSC scheme, it has been reported that the average allocated power can be reduced, owing to an introduced correlation between transmitted signals. Thus, this paper proposes a 3-user cross CSC scheme with purely-imaginary correlation coefficients. First, we derive the achievable data rates of the proposed 3-user cross CSC scheme, for each of the three users. Then, simulations demonstrate that for the proposed 3-user cross CSC scheme, the achievable data rates of the first and second users increase greatly and slightly, respectively, whereas the achievable data rate of the third user decreases little, compared to those of the conventional 3-user CSC scheme. In addition, we also show that the sum rate of the three users of the proposed 3-user cross CSC scheme is much larger than that of the three users of the conventional 3-user CSC scheme. As a result, the proposed 3-user cross CSC scheme could be a solution to the problem of the reduction of the average allocated total power in the conventional 3-user CSC scheme toward the fifth-generation (5G) NOMA mobile networks.


1. Introduction
2. System and Channel Model
3. Derivation of Achievable Sum Rate of Proposed 3-User Cross CSC NOMA
4. Numerical Results and Discussions
5. Conclusion


  • Kyuhyuk Chung Professor, Department of Software Science, Dankook University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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