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Effects of Provenances, Storage Temperature and Duration on Seed Germination of Bombax costatum Pellegr & Vuillet



Seed morphology, physiology and environmental conditions have influence on germination of any tropical seeds and their appropriate handling, processing and handling enhances seeds emergent. This study therefore investigated effects of storage durations under different temperatures on germination of Bombax costatum seeds from different provenances. Fresh 25 seeds of B. costatum in four replicates were collected from four different provenances (Aponmu, Oluwa, Ibadan and Oyo). They were surface sterilized, thoroughly washed in distilled water and stored at four different temperature regimes: 28°C, 21°C, 5°C and -17°C . Samples were taken every 2 months for germination test for 18 months. Germination assessment was carried out daily and recorded. The experimental design was 4×4×10 factorial in 4 replicates. Data were subjected to percentages and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that there were significant differences among storage temperatures, storage durations and provenances on germination percentage. Freshly collected seeds from Aponmu and Oyo had the highest mean germination of 100% followed by seeds from Ibadan (89.3%). Seeds from Oyo provenance stored 5°C had germination of 94.0%, 88.70% and 78.7% at 2nd, 4th and 6th month respectively. Seeds from Ibadan and Oyo stored at 28°C, 21°C recorded 0.0% starting from 8 months of storage. Germination of B. costatum seeds from the four provenances decreased with increase in storage duration at different temperatures.


Materials and Methods
Germination tests
Germination of B. costatum seeds from different provenances as influenced by different temperature
Germination of B. costatum seeds from different provenances under different storage durations
Storage duration on seed germination of B. costatum
Storage duration and temperature on seed germination of B. costatum
Germination of B. costatum seed from different provenances as affected by storage temperatures and period of storage


  • Ojo Morenike Omoyemi Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hill, Ibadan 200106, Nigeria
  • Asinwa Israel Olatunji Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hill, Ibadan 200106, Nigeria


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