

A Connecticut Yankee’s Individuation : The Collective Unconsciousness of an American Imperialistic Dream


Yeeun Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The imperialistic modernization of Hank Morgan from Mark Twain’s novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, who embodies the ideals of his period, such as individualism and mechanization depicts a failure in Jungian individuation, a concept of attaining a mature psyche. Hank regards the collectivist feudal Arthurian kingdom symbolizing the collective unconscious as lacking modern individualism developed by mechanization and hence inferior to his own time period. His consequent project of imperialistic modernization serves as a metaphor for American expansion which destroyed Native American communities with modern machines. The Jungian approach to this narrative attaches Hank’s individualistic qualities to the psyche’s conscious, while collectivistic spirit, an opposing value, is linked to the unconscious. Through the lens of dream analysis, the mythical Arthurian land represents collective unconsciousness in Jung’s theory and Hank, the symbol of nineteenth-century America, meets a dire end due to his unconditional repression. In Jungian terms, although the modern individual succeeds in assimilating the anima’s values, he does not do so for the shadow. The fact that mechanical America fails to attain individuation because of such neglect in accepting the unconscious realm’s collectivistic characteristics holds significant bearing not only upon nineteenth-century America, but also on communities of today where polarization threatens the collective health. Such conflict may ultimately result in a severe resistance endangering the entire community. In this light, the Jungian reading construes a future road to reaching a better community. Understanding the differences between opposites, as within an individual psyche, becomes key to extending the Jungian individuation to a societal level.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Yankee’s Psyche
Ⅲ. Implications
Ⅳ. Conclusion
Works Cited


  • Yeeun Park Graduate Student, Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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