A Study on the Recognition and Trend of Coffee Shop in China-Focus on IPA
With the rapid development of China's coffee industry, there are many coffee makers. In the fierce competition environment, it is necessary to improve competitiveness and explore survival strategy. Understanding itself is insufficient and improving service quality has become the competitive core of the coffee industry. This study is based on IPA analysis, using online and offline questionnaire survey, using spss23 to analyze the reliability and validity of each attribute and the construction of IPA model to understand the importance of consumption for each attribute of coffee shop and the evaluation of performance. The research results show that consumers are satisfied with the attitude of employees and providing clean and comfortable environment, but the interior decoration, table and chair placement, price positioning, brand awareness, convenient transportation, brand drinks and other factors of the coffee shop are slightly poor, so it is necessary to strengthen the improvement to obtain customer satisfaction and provide valuable significance for operators.
随着我国咖啡产业快速发展的同时,迎来了很多的咖啡创客,在竞争激烈的环境下,提高竞争力和探 索生存战略是有必要的,了解本身不足,提高服务质量成为了咖啡行业的竞争核心。本研究基于IPA分 析法,采用线上线下的问卷调查方式,利用SPSS23进行各属性的信效度分析以及IPA模型的构建来了解 消费对于咖啡店各个属性的重要性以及绩效表现的评价进行实证分析。研究结果表明,消费者对于员工 的态度以及提供干净舒适的环境符合顾客的要求感到满意,但咖啡厅的室内装修,桌椅的摆放,价格定 位,品牌认知度以及交通便利,招牌饮品等因素稍微欠佳,需要加强改善来获得顾客满意度,为经营者提 供有价值的意义。
Ⅰ. 引 言
Ⅱ. 分析方法
2.1 IPA分析法
2.2 研究调查设计
Ⅲ. 分析结果
3.1 受访者基本属性
3.2 质量因子的信效度检验
3.3 质量因子的满意度及重要性
3.4 冷饮店服务质量的IPA分析
Ⅳ. 结 论
4.1 继续加强员工培训和教育
4.2 提高物理环境氛围
4.3 提高品牌认知
4.4 勇于创新,提高核心竞争力