

Why do We Share Information? Explaining Information Sharing Behavior through a New Conceptual Model between Sharer to Receiver within SNS


Seok Noh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Social networking services (SNS) is an indispensable method in order to obtain information of the Internet participants. The study identified three variables of social media communication, sharing culture, and online trust in terms of social capital theory (SCT) and reviewed intention& behavior variables in terms of theory of planned behavior (TPB). The data were collected from 330 samples of SNS user, and were involved, and the research model uses AMOS to make confirmatory factor analysis. The findings confirmed our hypothesis that social media communication, sharing culture, and online trust affect individuals’ behaviors to sharing information. This study emphasizes that not only social media communication but also sharing culture to SNS can stimulate information sharing. while previous research has predominately focused on personal cognition or social network, the study examines the integrated influence of communication, culture and trust on information sharing in SNS. In sum, by explicating the unique role of social capital, this paper aims at contributing to the continued development and success of SNS in general.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Related Research
2.1. Information Sharing and SNS
2.2. Social Capital Theory
2.3. Sharing Culture
2.4. Online Trust
2.5. Social Media Communication
Ⅲ. Research Model
Ⅳ. Main Research Hypothesis
Ⅴ. Analysis and Result
Ⅵ. Conclusions
6.1. Discussion and Implications for Management
6.2. Limitations and Further Research


  • Seok Noh Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Business Administration, College of Economics & Commerce, Jeju National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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