

Mobile Payment Use in Light of Privacy Protection and Provider’s Market Control




This study investigates the factors that facilitate or hinder people to use mobile payment, especially drawing upon the theoretical perspectives on individual’s privacy protection motivation and perceived market condition. Survey data (n = 200) were collected through a web-based platform and used to test a theoretical model. The results show that one’s privacy protection power is formed by various individual and technological factors (i.e., perceived data exposure, self-efficacy, and response efficacy), and in turn it determines his/her intention to use mobile payment. Moreover, the relationship between privacy protection power and mobile payment use is conditional on the perceived market control by the service provider – with a perception of the high level of provider’s market control, one uses mobile payment regardless of his/her privacy protection power, while under the low level of provider’s market control, the decision depends on the degree of privacy protection power. The findings would help our understanding of why some people are more susceptible to mobile payment and others are not.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Backgrounds
2.1. Mobile Payment
2.2. Privacy and Protection Motivation
2.3. Provider’s Market Control
2.4. Cognitive Dissonance
Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypotheses
Ⅳ. Research Methods
Ⅴ. Results and Analyses
5.1. Measurement Model Analysis
5.2. Structural Model Analysis
Ⅵ. Discussion
Ⅶ. Conclusion


  • Mohammad Bakhsh Ph.D. Candidate, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
  • Hyein Jeong Ph.D. Candidate, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
  • Lingyu Zhao Ph.D. Candidate, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
  • One-Ki Daniel Lee Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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